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YFS 06/07/2011 Minutes
Old Saybrook Youth  & Family Services

Commission meeting
Tuesday June 7, 2011
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension
Old Saybrook CT. 06475

1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Sam Barnes at 5:10PM

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call
Attendant Members                               Absent Members
Sam Barnes, Chairman                    Peggy Viggiano, Member
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman           Katie Prozesky, Student Rep.    
Ray Allen, Secretary
Dorothy Shearer, Member
Zach Towne, Student Rep
Kathryn Hanratty, OSPS Rep.

IV. Attendant Staff
Heather McNeil, LMFT, LADC Director

V.  Comments from the Public
Zach Towne’s Grandmother praised and Thanked the Youth & Family Services Department the last 10 years of excellent services to her family.

VI. Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting from Tuesday May 3rd , 2011
A Motion was made by Dorothy Shearer to Approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of May 3rd, 2011.  Motion Seconded by Jen Welsh. No Discussion.  The Motion was carried Unanimously.

VII. Chairman’s Comments
Chairman Barnes commented that a Thank you letter was sent by Carol Suits for her retirement gift.  Thanks you’s were made to Zach Towne for his 2 year service to the Commission.  A Certificate of Appreciation and sweatshirt given as gifts.
VIII. Commission Member Reports
Discussion on the impact of the showing of “Race to Nowhere” , positive feedback was received

IX. Directors Report
Director’s Report for YFS Commission 6/7/11  5p.m.

      a. Staffing—getting ready to post position that will be vacated by Joan Ziemann as of  July 30.  Will meet with Union Rep. to discuss pay grade etc.  Will post internally first—requirements are for Master’s Level clinician, license eligible, and we are looking for someone with 1-3 yrs. previous agency experience and school-based work a plus.
Volunteer/Activities Coordinator--  will be posting this position shortly after further looking at budget constraints.

Social Services—hours of position v. time spent on the job necessitated by demand for services

Purchase of Quicken or Quickbooks to facilitate process of monitoring budgets and budget reports

HCHY survey results—presentation to BOE tonight

a.  what does the info tell us and where do we go from here?

X. Old Business
I.      Personnel Achievement Award to a High School Students will be given out on Thursday at the High School to Zach Towne and Haley Grunwald
II.     Back –up Camera for the Van was installed by the Public Works Department, Thank You Larry Bonin and Billy, it works great!

XI. New Business
Discussion on affiliation with OSYFS Foundation and how and where our purposes may overlap.  Discussion of how to reduce redundancy, have clarity for public about the difference between the agency and the Foundation.  Discussion will continue with the Foundation Board at next meeting.

XII. Other Business

XIII. Adjournment
Motion Made by Zach Towne to Adjourn at 6:18PM   Seconded by Dorothy Shearer and carried unanimously

Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday Sept  6th 5:00PM at the  Pasbeshauke Pavilion

Respectfully Submitted  

Ray Allen
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Commission Secretary